Update on International Travels to Indonesia
With the enactment of Circular Letter of COVID-19 Task Force No. 1 of 2023, the Circular Letter COVID-19 Task Force No. 24 and 25 of 2022 are revoked and declared no longer valid.
All document requirements for domestic and foreign travelers which include the obligation to download and use the SATUSEHAT application and show a COVID-19 vaccine certificate are no longer required.
However, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia recommends that all domestic and foreign travelers, people who are involved in public facilities, and people who are involved in large-scale continue to try to protect themselves personally from the transmission of Covid-19 and:
- It is recommended to continue carrying out the Covid-19 vaccination until the second booster or fourth dose, especially for people who have a high risk of contracting Covid-19.
- It is permissible not to use a mask if in good health and not at risk of contracting or transmitting Covid-19 and it is recommended to continue to use a mask that is properly covered if in an unwell condition or at risk of Covid-19, before and when traveling and activities in public facilities.
- It is advisable to carry hand sanitizer and/or use soap and running water to wash your hands regularly, especially if you have come into contact with objects that are used together.
- For people who are unwell and at risk of contracting or transmitting Covid-19, it is recommended to keep their distance or avoid crowds of people to prevent transmission of Covid-19.
- It is recommended to keep using the SATUSEHAT application to monitor personal health.
All managers and operators of transportation facilities, public facilities, and large-scale activities together with the local government are encouraged to:
- Continue to protect the community through preventive and promotive efforts to control the transmission of Covid-19.
- Continue to supervise, guide, control and enforce the implementation of health protocols to control the transmission of Covid-19.